Staff Travel Form R - Reimbursement Request (Effective 01/10/2024)

     Staff Travel Form C - School Charge Request (Effective 01/25/2023)  


    Staff Travel Procedures  01/25/2023

    All travel expenses must be approved by your supervisor BEFORE travel occurs.  Travel request forms are available in your principal/supervisor's office or the CISD website. Use Staff Travel Form R for reimbursements and Staff Travel Form C for credit card charges.


    Day Only Travel (no overnight stay)
    All meal expenses are the responsibility of the employee.  The school district will not pay or reimburse for these meals.

    Overnight Travel (2 nights or less)
    While traveling, meal expenses are the responsibility of the employee.  The school district will then reimburse the employee for approved meals based on the per diem meal rates shown below.

              Breakfast       $13.00     Leave before 6:00 a.m. or return after 7:00 a.m.      
              Lunch             $15.00     Leave before 12:00 p.m.
     or return after 1:00 p.m.      
              Dinner            $26.00     Leave before 7:00 p.m. or return after 8:00 p.m.

    Overnight Travel (3 nights or more)
    Employees may choose to be reimbursed for approved meals as stated above, OR employees may request the use of a credit card for meals during travel of 3 nights or more.  Employees must choose only one option, they cannot choose a combination of the two options. Use of the credit card for these meals is subject to approval by your supervisor.  If you are using a credit card, you must turn in all receipts and use the tax-exempt forms when possible. Per diem rates still apply.

    Breakfast      $13.00     Leave before 6:00 a.m. or return after 7:00 a.m.      
    Lunch           $15.00     Leave before 12:00 p.m.
     or return after 1:00 p.m.
    Dinner           $26.00     Leave before 7:00 p.m. or return after 8:00 p.m.


            Lodging for all overnight travel will be paid directly by the school district.


    A school vehicle must be used for travel if available.  If a school vehicle is available and you choose to use your own vehicle, you will not be eligible for reimbursement.  The school will reimburse school employees for approved use of a personal vehicle at the current mileage reimbursement rate as determined by the state comptroller’s office, after travel has occurred.


    Fuel and parking fees will be paid directly by the school district if possible.  If an employee incurs these costs and wishes to be reimbursed, a receipt must be provided.  The school district will then reimburse for the approved expenses.

    *These travel procedures do not apply to student travel (i.e. staff members accompanying students to extracurricular events).  Student travel is paid by the school district.

    *These travel procedures are for state and locally funded travel only.  They do not apply to federally funded travel (i.e. ACE, cafeteria).